How to use Maestro with React Native (Expo)
This article is a simple example of how to use the Maestro to test your mobile application.
Getting Started
There are some prerequisites that you need to install before running the Maestro.
You can check the GitHub Repository:
Installing the Maestro
To install the Maestro, run the following command:
curl -Ls "" | bash
Running the tests
Before running the tests, you need to install the dependencies for iOS:
brew tap facebook/fb
brew install facebook/fb/idb-companion
To run the tests, run the following command:
maestro test your-flow.yaml
Creating a flow
To create a flow, you need to create a YAML file with the following structure:
- openLink: exp://
The first line is the application identifier, and the second line is the URL to open the application because the app is running on the Expo.
Tapping on an element
There are two ways to tap on an element:
- With the element’s text
- tapOn: login
- With the element’s accessibility identifier
- tapOn:
id: "login"
- Please check the testID on React Native documentation to know how to add an accessibility identifier to your element.
- For more information about TapOn, you can check the Maestro documentation.
Input Text
To input text, you need to use the following syntax:
- inputText: "maestro"
Login Flow
To run the login flow, run the following command:
maestro test flows/login.yaml
React Native Code:
const LoginScreen = (props: Props) => {
return (
<View className="flex-1 items-center justify-center bg-white">
<View className="w-full gap-y-4 p-1">
<Input testID="username" placeholder="Username" />
<Button testID="login" title="Login" />
Login Yaml:
- openLink: exp://
- tapOn:
id: "username"
- inputText: "maestro"
- tapOn:
id: "password"
- inputText: "12345678"
- tapOn:
id: "login"
Running the Login Test on iOS
Running on iPhone 11 - iOS 16.0 - 2DBFC5E7-FAE6-4B2A-BD9B-D9D7EDF22C7B
║ > Flow
║ ✅ Open exp://
║ ✅ Tap on id: username
║ ✅ Input text maestro
║ ✅ Tap on id: password
║ ✅ Input text 12345678
║ ✅ Tap on id: login
Running the Login Test on Android
Running on emulator-5554
║ > Flow
║ ✅ Open exp://
║ ✅ Tap on id: username
║ ✅ Input text maestro
║ ✅ Tap on id: password
║ ✅ Input text 12345678
║ ✅ Tap on id: login
Run a nested flow
To run a nested flow, you need to use the following syntax:
- runFlow: newTask.yaml # <-- Run commands from "Login.yaml"
Run a Nested Flow with the condition
To run a nested flow with the condition, you need to use the following syntax:
- runFlow:
text: "Login"
index: 1
file: login.yaml
The above example will run the login flow if the text “Login” is visible on the screen.
Repeat a flow
To repeat a flow, you need to use the following syntax:
- repeat:
times: 3
- runFlow: deleteTask.yaml
The above example will run the delete task flow three times.
Example Videos:
With the Login Flow
This video presents the main flow which logs in to the app, creates three tasks, and then deletes them.
iOS Example
Android Example
With the Skipped Login Flow
The second video presents the main flow which skips the login flow and then creates three tasks, and then deletes them.
iOS Example
Android Example
In this article, we learned how to create a flow to test a React Native application using Maestro. We also learned how to run the tests on iOS and Android. We also learned how to run a nested flow and how to repeat a flow.
Thanks for reading this article. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @rasitcolakel or on GitHub.